BIBF – Beijing International Book Fair 2024German Exhibitors HERCULES Business & Culture GmbH

HERCULES Business & Culture GmbH

Booth number: E1.A03

About us

HERCULES Business & Culture GmbH is a literature agent company in Germany and is an intermediary for the book and media market of China. We are very successful with German books in the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. So far we have placed more than 6000 German title in China and about 500 German titles in Taiwan, by the following authors: fiction: E.Canetti, G.Grass, H.Hesse, E.Jelinek, D.Kehlmann, I.Kertész, S.Lenz, H.Mankell, H.Mann, T.Mann, W. Moers, H.Müller, M.Walser, C.Wolf, J.Zeh u.a Childens Book: J.Bauer, J.Banscherus, R.S.Berner, U.Blanck, T.Brezina, A.Carigiet, E.Dietl, W.Erlbruch, W.u.H.Hohlbein, H.Janisch, Janosch, E.Kästner, Knister, J.Krüss, M.Kruse, F.Lenk, P.Maar, E.Moser, C.Nöstlinger, S.Riha, U.Scheffler, A.H.Schmachtl, Thilo u.a. non-fiction: T.W.Adorno, U.Beck, U.Ehrhardt, J.Fest, E.P.Fischer, S.Fröhlich, J.Habermas, S.Haffner, K.Jaspers, V.Kast, A.Kostolany, K.Lorenz, N.Luhmann, H.Münkler, R.Nehberg, R.D.Precht, M.Reich-Ranicki, R.Safranski, D.Schwanitz u.a.

Mr. Wenxuan Cao and his German publisher-Mr. Lehmann, Leipzig Children's Book Publishing House

German publisher visits Beijing Science and Technology Press


Mr.Zang Yongqing: People’s Literature Publishing House will publish an anthology of Günter Grass

Visit the famous editor

Cai Hongjun: Publication of Günter Grass in China

Negotiate a new publishing plan

Learn from predecessors

"our team"

schoolmate and homeland people


HERCULES Business & Culture GmbH
Am Roederweg 6
61138 Niederdorfelden

Phone:  +49 6101 407921
Nanjing Hercules Media Ltd.
No.318, Ling-Shun North-Rd., Bldg. 18-102, Jiangning Dist.
211100 Nanjing

Phone:  +86 1332 7809153

Contact person:

Vanessa Mei
Rights Manager
Phone: +86 188 13146690

Hongjun Cai
Rights Manager
Phone: +86 135 52906607

Zhu Mei

Products & Services

We work mainly with the following publishers on an exclusive or title-exclusive basis together: Archer, Arena, Atrium C.H.Beck, Klett-Cotta, Coppenrath, Deuticke, Eulenspiegel/Das neue Berlin, S.Fischer, Gerstenberg, Hanser, HarperCollins, Herbig/Langen Müller, Hirzel, Hoffmann und Campe, Jacoby & Stuart, Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, leiv Leipziger Kinderbuchverlag, Lübbe/Ehrenwirth, Magellan, Mosaik, Muenchner Verlagsgruppe, Oetinger/Dressler/Ellermann, Orell-Füssli, Patmos/Walter, Pendo, Piper/Kabel/Malik, Pietsch/Motorbuch-Verlag, Ravensburger, Residenz, Rowohlt, Suhrkamp/Insel, Steidl, Ueberreuter, Zsolnay u.a. we will exhibit 64 selected new books fiction: Childens Book: non-fiction.


Discover Bakabu's treasures! The Bakabu songs are not only the greatest earworms between Earth and Singeland, but also support all children in their language development.
The Bakabu method
The Bakabu songs are developed with the linguist Barbara Rössl-Krötzl.
Consequently, every song contains a linguistically based exercise.
The song topics are selected by pedagogical experts.


Series Description:

Janosch (born 11 March 1931) is one of Germany's best-known and most successful children's book authors. He has won numerous awards for his work, including the German Children's Book Prize and the International Youth Award for Oh, wie schön ist Panama, one of his best-known Tiger and Bear series. In addition to children's books, János has written a number of novels and plays for adults, which deal with themes such as religion, the meaning of life and the true art of living. His own goal for himself is to live a full life in Tenerife, Canary Island, where he has lived since the early 1980s. János' works have been translated into many languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide.

Now celebrating the 45th anniversary of his most popular series, "The Tiger and the Bear", Oetinger Verlag has invited two young authors to join him in his new book project in order to bring new light to the world of Janos's classic fairy tales. This series of eleven books, based on the worldview of Janosch's fairy tale "The Tiger and the Bear", brings the two authors together to bring the story of the tiger and the bear to young readers in a brand new way.

Author Bio:

Florian Fickel is a father of two, and when he's not knocking on garage doors with his kids, he likes to read them his own stories. The author has written many children's radio plays and plays for the theatre. His radio drama series "Die Playmos", with its vivid characters and exciting adventures, has sold millions of copies, and in 2013, when he adapted Janosch's book "Tiger Cub and Bear Cub" into a radio play, he came up with a new story for the two friends...

Johanna Seipelt was born in Hildesheim in 1984 and studied communication design at the University of the Arts in Braunschweig.After graduating in 2009, she worked as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator and taught nude painting at the HBK Academy of Fine Arts in Braunschweig. Johanna grew up reading the characters and stories of János and she still enjoys his humour and seriousness. Like Mr. Janosch, she especially enjoys working with pen and watercolour.

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Warum ich dich so lieb habe

Als der Bär einmal traurig war

Freunde, ist das Leben schön!

Als der Tiger einmal der Bär sein wollte

Was für ein prima Leben, Freunde!

Mit dir macht das Leben Spaß, aber sowas von!

Der kleine Tiger und das wahre Glück

Der kleine Tiger wünscht sich Tigerfreunde

Als Tiger und Bär beinahe das Beste verpassten

Jetzt wird geschlafen, Freunde!

Tiger und Bär es weihnachtet sehr

Der kleine Tiger und der große Mut

Oh, wie schön doch Freunde sind!


This is a series of six interactive paperbacks for young children, suitable for readers aged 18-24 months, in the German version of the "Busy Bear" series.

Author Bio:
Stephan Lomp was born in 1973 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Lomp has worked for print and web agencies, publishers and event marketing companies, and he studied visual communication at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf from 1995-2001. He is the co-founder of the award-winning underground comics anthology "Herrensahne" and has published 11 issues together with other illustrators such as Max Fiedler, Tobi Dahmen, Roman Klonek, Leo Leowald and others. Together they exhibited in Luxembourg, Lucerne and Cologne. His first children's book was ABC of the Zoo, followed by two picture books. His favorite animal is the sloth, he loves eating mangoes, cooking with friends, reading comics, watching movies and drawing.

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Beppo auf der Baustelle

Beppo auf dem Bauernhof

Beppo: Gute Nacht

Beppo: Feuerwehr

Beppo: Gute Besserung

In der Autowerkstatt

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